Firmanızın bünyesinde dahili bir BT departmanına kaynak ayırmak zorunlu değil. Tüm BT temelli çalışmalarınızı dış kaynaklı olarak yürütün, tarafımızca sağlanan BT Hizmetleri ile sayısız avantajdan faydalanın.
Yönetilen BT hizmetlerine neden ihtiyacınız var?
Bilgi teknolojileri temelli tüm projelerinizi şirketiniz dahilinde kaynak harcamadan dışarıdan yürütebilirsiniz. Bu sayede işinizin diğer noktalarına odaklanmanız mümkün hale gelir. Dışarıdan temin edilen BT hizmetleri ile alanlarında tecrübeli BT uzmanları işinizin tüm gerekliliklerini karşılamak için hazırdır. Ağ oluşturma, veri yedekleme ve dijital güvenlik ya da benzeri tüm hizmetler için Servis Sağlayıcı’nıza ulaşabilirsiniz. BT yardım masası 7/24 çalışarak destek sunacak ve işinizin devam ettiğinden emin olacaktır. Bu süreç işinizin büyümesinde de kritik bir rol oynamaktadır.
Oldukça kapsamlı BT hizmetleri sunuyoruz
Teknolog bünyesinde BT profesyonellerinden oluşan bir ekibimiz var. Uzman ekibimiz işletmenizin boyutu ve yapısı ile uyum sağlayarak uçtan uca BT hizmeti sunmaktadır. Ekibimiz, programcılar, mühendisler, güvenlik uzmanları, danışmanlar ve analistler dahil olmak üzere farklı arka planlardan gelen uzmanları da içinde barındırır.

What Are Managed IT Services?
Managed IT services enable businesses to outsource part or all of their technology management with the goal of simplifying IT operations and reducing costs.
A Managed Service Provider (MSP) can take the burden of managing your business technology services off your shoulders.
This can range from completely outsourcing your IT needs, a one-time IT consulting project, to a co-managed IT services agreement with your existing in-house team.
Teknolog is offering competitive pricing which is based on a flat-rate monthly subscription service including unlimited remote support provided by a Worldwide help desk.
Reach out to us and set up an exploratory call to see how managed IT service and support from Teknolog can help YOUR business grow!
24/7 Service Desk
Our IT support helpdesk is available for you 24x7. Whenever you need the help of an IT specialist, you just need to get in touch with the IT support helpdesk. You will not just be connecting with an agent, but a trained and skilled IT specialist. You can therefore receive a solution to your question then and there. This will help you to save time and get work done around the clock.
Remote IT Support
You don’t need to have an internal IT Support team as we offer remote IT support services. The IT support specialists can help you with all your IT needs. Whether you forgot your password, have issues with the printer, or have difficulties in accessing your computer, you can get in touch with a remote IT support specialist. We offer quick and reliable remote IT support services to keep your business running.
On-Site Support
Some of your IT needs cannot be completed remotely. That’s where we offer on-site support services to you. For example, if you need any hardware component to be replaced, we will send one of our IT specialists to your business and get that done. Our on-site support services are available on-demand.
You need to make sure that your business is not vulnerable to any cyber-attacks. Imagine what would happen if a hacker took control of your business information. This will not just make you lose trust among customers but can also lead you to expensive lawsuits. We have IT Security Specialists, who can ensure the IT security of your business. You don’t have to worry about cyberattacks and the threats that hackers create on your business.
Network Monitoring and Management
We will help you with getting the right networking solutions as needed by your business. This will help you to streamline your overall business activities. On top of that, we use appropriate solutions to keep track of your network throughout 24 hours of the day. We will be keeping our eyes on your firewalls, routers, and switches through automated systems. In case there is a problem, we will attend to it immediately. This will help you to keep the servers up and running at all times.
Server and Workstation Management
Once you partner with us, we make sure that you will rarely have to deal with server downtimes. That’s because we manage all your servers and workstations. We don’t just keep them up and running. We will even deploy the latest security updates on your servers and workstations. On top of that, our team will install antivirus software and antispam applications on them as well. This will help you to ensure business continuity.
Software and Hardware Procurement
Software and hardware procurement can be overwhelming and time-consuming. However, you will still have to go through the procurement process to get what you want. That's where our procurement specialists can help you. We make sure that you will never be overspending to get the software or hardware you want.
Microsoft Office 365 Licensing
Microsoft Office 365 is the most common productivity, collaboration, and cloud storage solution used by businesses. We can help you to manage MS Office 365 licensing. You just need to start using Office 365 and experience the benefits that come along with it. It provides you with access to MS Office 365, Microsoft SharePoint, and Microsoft Azure.
Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR)
You keep all your important business and customer data on servers. Imagine what would happen if you accidentally lost those dates. This might even force you to close down your business operations. However, our backup and disaster recovery services ensure that you don't have to worry about it. We take regular backups of your data through automated processes. In case of a disaster, we can help you with restoring data as well.